About the Content

In this Masterclass brought to you in collaboration with bondbazaar you will learn everything that there is to know about Bonds as an investment. By the end of this 3.5 hour Masterclass you will be able to begin your investment journey in Bonds. This Masterclass is in Hindi language primarily.

To begin investing in Bonds you can use this link to sign in- https://www.bondbazaar.com/open-trading-account/?param=Uk1MMDE=

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A seasoned finance professional with over 30 years of experience with corporates like Deutsche Bank, L&T FHL and many more, Meeta is passionate about empowering women and transforming their financial wellbeing.

In her words, “I feel a strong need and urgency to empower women with knowledge so that they can start taking control of their finances themselves, without feeling the need to depend on their counterparts to take care of them financially”.


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